Forums - KEN vs. SENTINEL (one on one) ; who would win? Show all 54 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- KEN vs. SENTINEL (one on one) ; who would win? ( Posted by golden nismor on 02:01:2001 10:14 PM: okay look at this match: ken is a 2nd tier character versus sentinel a top tier character. MY point money should be placed on sentinel cause of that BUT!, I personally think a ken on crack could easily smoke a sentinel. That would be some funny shit watch'n ken rushing down some powerful giagantic character, when ken is such a shitty character! 'who knows you tell me' -gn Posted by threeRd on 02:01:2001 10:25 PM: !!! SENTINEL vs. ANYBODY pretty much goes to Sentinel, except a fully charged Cable. And IMO Storm wouldn't go down easily. Doom could give him a few problems too. Ken on crack...lets see. Invincible dragon punch. Damaging air combo with roundhouse hurricane kick. But first of all, Ken is going to have to get in close, and Sent can play games with fierce XX short drones, plus he can over himself up close with roundhouse drones. Sent can keep Ken out until he builds at least one meter. That's bad news for Ken. OTOH, Sent wouldn't be able to play as much in the air because of Ken's air HK and air DP. But in the end IMO, he still wouldn't fare much better than Strider, who can give Sentinel some problems up close, but doesn't stand a good chance without Doom. threeRd Posted by Dasrik on 02:01:2001 10:35 PM: I disagree... One-on-one, at least, Sentinel has some major problems. It can't control the space above it at all; to do that it's pretty much Blackheart-dependent. Without BH, Sentinel can easily get overwhelmed by superjumpers. And once the opponent's in close, it has to watch out. Ken has a blow through super that he can use to flinch with, and if he's careful (as opposed to on crack like nismor would think), he can actually win fairly consistently. It's a different story if Sentinel has an assist; Blackheart especially, but an AAA or B-Doom will give Ken problems as well. Ken has to work HARD for his openings, and he needs meter to be real effective. It does, of course, depend on the skill of the respective players (this is the well duh factor, but I point it out in case scrubs try to crawl up my ass), but the odds are way for Sentinel in a regular fight. Posted by Blacksmaru on 02:01:2001 10:40 PM: well from my experiences good storm,doom,ken or cable can pretty much beat sentinel down like nothing...of course if you don`t fuck up and get caught with a barrage of sentinel forces or rocket punches for crazy chip damage... Posted by Voodoo on 02:01:2001 11:12 PM: ::ken superjumps in toward sent:: ::sent hops back - *bam* gives ken the finger:: So much for jumping in. Sentinel could also just use fly/stomp/cancel. His foot has a longer range then shinshoryuken. gg ken. ~v00 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right. Posted by golden nismor on 02:01:2001 11:21 PM: ah i see peeps here think it can go either way, very interesting! well i hope when i go to B5 and my ken faces a sentinel team, i guess we'll see just how well ken puts pressure on sentinel or vice versa. good feedback guys! -golden nismor Posted by Strider Hiryu on 02:01:2001 11:25 PM: Sentinel would own ken.. Reasons is that because of super armor, you will have a hard time launching for hurricane glitch because, it takes two hits to launch, and Ken's cr. fierce has no range, no priority... Kens fireball, well, yknow... And the fact that ken has no speed makes it hard for him to get outta fierce xx lk drones Prepare to DIE....[8/27] Posted by Dasrik on 02:01:2001 11:25 PM: quote: Originally posted by Voodoo: ::ken superjumps in toward sent:: ::sent hops back - *bam* gives ken the finger:: So much for jumping in. Sentinel could also just use fly/stomp/cancel. His foot has a longer range then shinshoryuken. gg ken. You will probably have to watch out for the j.fierce club. If you see it coming you can block, but if you end up straight above Sent you don't usually have to worry (at least in my experience). And flying without an assist available to you is risky, since you can't really keep the opponent down with anything between stomps. Again, a Sentinel with assists is a whole other story. Posted by golden nismor on 02:01:2001 11:31 PM: hey Dasrik: zups kid! i totally agree with you on that subject. I use sentinel on my team and play him decently so i understand your points on his "abilities". i just remember someone say on how that 2nd don't really stand a chance against the top dogs. I think of it a little different, cuz some of the 2nd tiers can give out those insane ass beatings. -gn Posted by Shin-Mech-Brian on 02:01:2001 11:31 PM: To hell with that! Ken takes Sentinel easily. Keep in mind Ken has his roll and Shoryuken has top priority. Plus punching any extended limb on Sentinel is just as effective, just like Dhalsim. Just because he has triple-armor doesn't mean Ken can't handle him properly. Girls who are boys Who like boys to be girls Who do boys like they're girls Who do girls like they're boys Always should be someone you really love Posted by golden nismor on 02:02:2001 12:03 AM: SHIN-MECH-BRIAN SUPS BRO! read your posts, cool never looked at it like that -gn Posted by Blacksmaru on 02:02:2001 12:07 AM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: SHIN-MECH-BRIAN SUPS BRO! read your posts, cool never looked at it like that -gn yo nismor check the matchmaking posts for more codes dood...the one made by darky Posted by Brandon Lee on 02:02:2001 12:21 AM: By himself, the Sentinel would be caught be Ken and punished. With assists, the Sentinel wins hands down. But since you said there are no assists, Ken would be on the slow moving Sentinel like white on rice. If I was using Ken, I would use the Hurricane glitch to take the Sentinel out quickly. Posted by golden nismor on 02:02:2001 12:24 AM: yo bro that hurricane kick ken gots is deadly especially against large objects, that shitz just don't misses! i do something like that bro -your post is cool man- "white on rice, funny ass shit there " -gn Posted by Overdrive on 02:02:2001 12:40 AM: I've played this match a lot actually. It's a really weird match. As far as I can tell, Ken wins. Sentinel can't trap Ken (or really anybody) without assists. So throwing lasers and drones will just allow Ken to advance for free. Flying around and stomping works ok, but you have to look out for Ken's air hurricane kick. If you're not clearly above him when his HK is on, it will beat whatever you do. And you don't want to get hit by that HK, it does a LOT of damage, even to Sentinel. Stomping at the wrong time can also get you launched into a 50% air combo (jab, HK). If you let him get close to you, you're screwed. Ken can hop back and forth doing air HKs. He's too tall to duck it so there's no avoiding it. Sentinel has no move that can stop that crap (not even jumping fierce). HSF won't work because it has startup. Super armor doesn't help because HK hits are jumping hard attacks (which crush super armor). If you're in the corner, the game is over. If you're not in the corner, you can try to jump back with short to catch him before he can take off into an HK. But at the same time, he can simply wait for that, and launch you into a 50% air combo. Posted by State of Nature on 02:02:2001 12:44 AM: First off, whoever claims a second tier character can't beat a first tier character knows absolutely nothing about the game. Often, a good player will go down to the second tier and grab a specific character to give a bad match up to a first tier. Megaman and Dhalsim are examples of this as primary characters, Ken and Tronne Bonne are examples of this as assists. Next, Nismor writes: "well i hope when i go to B5 and my ken faces a sentinel team, i guess we'll see just how well ken puts pressure on sentinel or vice versa." This is totally different than what is being discussed, and is therefore irrelevant. Once assists are brought into the equation, the dynamic is completely changed. I don't see how this will show how well Ken does one-on-one against Sentinel. Posted by golden nismor on 02:02:2001 01:04 AM: Hey sups SON! i guess what i was tryin to say is that if in B5 me and my opponent are down to one guy each, that is i have ken and he has sentinel. thats what i mean bro. and of course the "dynamics" will be different if ken+assists vs Sentinel+assists. neverthe less just wait and we'll see such outcomes -gn Posted by Who on 02:02:2001 01:54 AM: Sentinel is no match for a good Ken. Ken can trap Sentinel alone with his air hurricane kicks. And if one connects, Ken can juggle Sentinel in the air....I've seen it happen. The only thing Sentinel can do is dash back from the air hurricane and send out sentinel force....if it connects there's your infinate and winner. Posted by Dan Hibiki on 02:02:2001 02:15 AM: I'll give you a hint ... not Ken. Ken as we all know is a close range fighter, and Sentinal is very good at the keep away game. Sentinal can do a lot of damage to Ken by just jumping around all day and Roundhouse into Rocket Punch. However ... If Ken does manage to get close, he is fast enough to pull off some mean combos that include the hurricane kick glitch if he's lucky ... if he's lucky. Sentinal has the best defense in the game (with the exception of a defense up enhansement player i.e. - Rogue, Amingo's enhance type, Silver Samauri Ice Sword, etc.) And Ken isn't going to be able to punish a good Sentinal Player all by his lonesome. Conclusion: It can be done, like everything else in this world, anything is possible at any time. But Ken would stand a much better chance if he had some assists backing him up. It seems that nowadays people only win when they knock other people down. I suppose that's why I'm such a loser. Saikyo! Justin Posted by Jinmaster on 02:02:2001 03:02 AM: Speaking from my own tournament experience, Ken can fight sentinel but when he does you should have a situation where ken is your only character since your assists are used up. Sentinel will most likely not have any assists to call at that point. It is extremely difficult to predict what will happen, becuase it depends entirely on how good the sentinel is and how crafty the ken is. In the end, Sentinel should beat Ken 1v1, assuming we don't factor in assists and meter. The thing about this matchup is that sentinel can chip ken for free most of the time, but should ken SJ during a whiffed HSF, Sentinel gets hurt bad. Interesting match but Sentinel has an advantage, but I think that is obvious. -Micah "I made a balanced fighter for you: Ryu-fest 2000. You can pick Ryu(with white clothes)!, or Ryu!(with dark clothes)!" Posted by Dasrik on 02:02:2001 03:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Dan Hibiki: Ken as we all know is a close range fighter, and Sentinal is very good at the keep away game. Sentinal can do a lot of damage to Ken by just jumping around all day and Roundhouse into Rocket Punch. Without an assist Sentinel can't make the opponent stay on the floor. It's already been gone over, so I'm not going to repeat myself. quote: If Ken does manage to get close, he is fast enough to pull off some mean combos that include the hurricane kick glitch if he's lucky ... if he's lucky. Actually without an assist there is not much Sentinel can do to keep Ken out. Drones is a free super for Ken; jumping fierce won't keep Ken out forever; flying means you eat DP or worse, a sj.HK that eats up your life. Of course, this is all assuming Sentinel has no assists. quote: Sentinal has the best defense in the game (with the exception of a defense up enhansement player i.e. - Rogue, Amingo's enhance type, Silver Samauri Ice Sword, etc.) And Ken isn't going to be able to punish a good Sentinal Player all by his lonesome. Sentinel can't defend itself from Ken all by his lonesome either. Eventually, it gets rushed down. Posted by ShadyK on 02:02:2001 03:11 AM: I think you guys forgot the Ken infinite on Sentinel -- j. short, j. forward, j. fierce xx roundhouse hurricane kick, land, repeat. Sakura has THE best infinite Sentinel though because she can do 100% damage. It's the same as Ken's, only by the time Sentinel spins out of the infinite, it does 80% damage already and you can combo the hurricane kick into low short, low forward xx qcf+jab xx qcb+pp and then DHC that to finish Sentinel off. Posted by LordLocke on 02:02:2001 03:31 AM: The only characters that Sentinal can really fight and beat one-on-one are taller characters like Sabretooth, Blackheart, Hulk, etc, etc, where most of Sentinal's SK Drones won't whiff on a standing character within 1/2 the screen. Super-Armor characters also die to Sent because he strikes right through it. Compared to the above characters, Ken's a bloody midget. And standing one-screen tall, Sentinal is jump-in HK bait if I've ever seen it. Sentinal can't keep Ken out forever, and once Ken's on Sentinal's ass, he's there for good. However, Sentinal with assists gets Ken, assists or not, for free. It's not shopping if I don't plan to pay for it! Posted by Clockw0rk on 02:02:2001 03:50 AM: *I think Ken beats Sent one-on-one without too much hassle. As long as Ken has meter (and there isn't much Sent can do from keeping Ken charging it with sj fierce), Shoryureppa can blow through pretty much anything Sent does, lag or start up. This tactic IMO is much more relevant than Ken's launch to hurricane kick, since super armor makes it virtually impossible to launch Sent. Also, Ken's rh throw is pretty fast, in case Sent tries to turtle. If Sent tries to play flying games, jab Shoryuken should stuff any of his attacks. On the other hand, if Sent is in the lead by the time it gets to Ken v Sent, Ken can't do much to catch Sent. *I suck at explaining stuff in text - Clockw0rk Posted by Sky on 02:02:2001 04:15 AM: Sentinal would kick Ken's ass man. ------------------------------------ The legend is back, I shoot suckers like crack and attack with my tire track, as big as pay back the red, black and grey, seize the day, hit the brakes just like a revolution, here to say I break the lock, bust my chops and never wait for the cops to say stop Kiss your girl before you fade like an illusion I live a life in an evolution. Posted by darky on 02:02:2001 04:49 AM: seems SON was posting more to being negative towards nismor ehheeh. dude really has it in for ya nis eheheh. the other replies were informative and went into some detail as to how the two would fight. good stuff ppl. Posted by State of Nature on 02:02:2001 10:05 AM: Great, another Hawaiian with more than one screen name. Both my points are extremely valid. 1: 2nd tier characters are often used to counter specific tier one characters, sometimes as primary fighters, sometimes as assists, and sometimes for a single move. 2. Fights at B5 will shed no light on one-on-one questions, because fights are 3 on 3. If I offended any scrubs who believe that 2nd tiers are always underdogs against 1st tiers, or anybody who thought B5 was a one-on-one tournament with no assists, then I'm sorry. Seriously, bandwidth is tight on, and people using multiple aliases, plain old chatting, plain old flaming, and contributing no strategy will be the ones who take down. So don't try and flame me when I am right. And stop sucking bandwidth with pointless posts Hawaii, some of us like this site and want to see it go on. Posted by darkumas on 02:02:2001 10:28 AM: nm not even gonna reply SON ur not worth it. Posted by special_sauce on 02:02:2001 11:35 AM: To State of Nature: Damn you're a fucking asshole! If us Hawaii people only have stupid things to say, why do you even bother to respond? You talk about sucking bandwidth, by replying, you're no better than us. Suck that! I really hope you face Golden Nismor at B5. I'm gonna laugh my ass off when you get beaten. So next time you decide to open your mouth to us, DON'T! Posted by golden nismor on 02:02:2001 11:43 AM: zUPS special-sauce! I totally agree with you!!! 110%. I just posted back at SON (short) in inkblots post tellin him the SAME GOD DAMN THING! so anyways hows you been kid? whippin dat ass huh? well i'll be at pearls tommorrows around 5:30pm or so cuz of damn school/ hope to see one of the best in hawaii there /forums/cool.gif -gn Posted by golden nismor on 02:02:2001 11:50 AM: BTW everyone that posted informative opinions here: thank you very much! This just all gives me an idea of the two characters vs each other. Even though i use em both i love both of these awesome characters. SON- yo G try 'n chill out man. Life isn't that shitty, try 'n be positive a little more and you'll probs feel better. good luck friend -golden nismor Posted by CykoClops on 02:02:2001 12:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: okay look at this match: ken is a 2nd tier character versus sentinel a top tier character. MY point money should be placed on sentinel cause of that BUT!, I personally think a ken on crack could easily smoke a sentinel. That would be some funny shit watch'n ken rushing down some powerful giagantic character, when ken is such a shitty character! <IMG SRC=""> 'who knows you tell me' -gn ken is such a shittty character? well well u finally changed ur mind ey Posted by golden nismor on 02:02:2001 12:29 PM: i say KEN is shitty to make YOU'LL feel better. personally in my book ken is freakin deadly if properly trained! just like storm in the right hands. well know you know! -gn you gonna be at B5? i'd like to play your clops against my KEN Posted by Brandon Lee on 02:02:2001 12:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by golden nismor: i say KEN is shitty to make YOU'LL feel better. personally in my book ken is freakin deadly if properly trained! just like storm in the right hands. well know you know! -gn you gonna be at B5? i'd like to play your clops against my KEN Just like Storm? We all already know she is deadly and top-tier. Nobody doubts her ability here... Posted by golden nismor on 02:03:2001 02:47 AM: did you know that sentinel on damamge 2 can only take about 8-10 air hurricane kicks before he TKO'S? Thats right one combo to get in and the rest is a simple juggle! on damage 3 well, you get the idea just thought i let you'll know -gn Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 02:03:2001 05:31 PM: This is just another one of nimsor's posts trying to validate his Ken tactics. (look! ken can beat sentinal 1 vs 1!!! as if it actually matters) I really dont see why anyone bothers to give golden nimsor the time of day. Here is a guy who got laughed off of the -GAMEFAQS BOARD- I'm sure all of you are aware of the maturity/skill level that exists there. If people like that look down upon nimsor let alone kick him off thier lame board, it really says something towards his character. He was spewing the same old scrubbish filth about fighting for under-dog (low tier) characters and how they can compete at tournament level on thier board and everyone pretty much grew to ignore him because of his pure idiocy, so he waddles over here to do the same thing. No offense to you hawaii people but it is a well known fact that the competition there royally SUCKS. Tactics you might use (ie. Ken) that will work on the crappy players there simply will not cut it if u played at SHGL let alone B5. Shit, you'd get eaten up in the first round boy. Ken's only good as a counter character, if u put him in your team every match u play, you'd get laughed off the floor. Posted by golden nismor on 02:04:2001 05:49 AM: MR. SMELLY PANTS; HOWS ABOUT CHANGING YOUR FUCKIN DIAPER, THOSE HUGGIES YOUS GOTS STINK LIKE SHIT! "PLEASE DO US ALL THAT FAVOR " -GN 'if ya don't like this post then why in the fuck R you looking at it?(smelly pants)' Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 02:04:2001 06:20 AM: Ouch, looks like I hit a nerve there. Little bit too close to the truth hawaii-boy? Bah, fuck it I dont care, go on beating the other skill-less fucks in hawaii and think u are pimp. I can't wait to see u get beat down at B5. The fact that you get so pissed off that u start name-calling only proves I'm right. Posted by Scypher Wing on 02:04:2001 08:15 AM: i say ken. he's much faster and sentinal is a huge target for him sent is far too slow compared to ken Posted by BarrelO on 02:04:2001 08:58 AM: In regular gameplay (with assists and all), Ken has absolutely no chance against Sentinel. But in a one-on-one situation, Ken would probably take Sentinel for all the reasons mentioned before. However, it is important to remember that when one-on-one situations occur in actual matches, the match is usually close to being over by time. In this situation, I think Sentinel has the advantage. Because of his distance game and superior defense, he can just run away the remainder of the match, throw out the occasional chipping/poking attack, and win by time. Not to mention the fact that if he lands a HSF with full meter, the match is pretty much over. BarrelO: The Bleeding-Heart Pussy Abortions don't kill babies. I kill babies. Posted by Aoishi2AL on 02:04:2001 09:43 PM: Ken takes Sentinel and rapes him in the street corner. "You want me don't you..." Posted by Cybermitsu on 02:04:2001 11:07 PM: It would be a close match but I think that Sentinel will win one-on-one. Let's break down all of the moves that Ken has vs. Sentinel: Normals: Nothing really special. Hadouken: Bullshit... move on... Hurricane Kick: Only useful for combos. Throw it out by itself, you eat HSF insanity easily. Shoryuken: This is the move that will fuck up Sentinel. Any time that Sentinel tries to hit Ken in the air, Sentinel gets hit, no questions asked, with one exception. Roll/Dash: not really sure if this works that well against Sent. If it has plenty of invincibility frames than it can escape the HSF, which is a big part of Sent's offense. Supers: Shoryureppa is only good if you can get it into a combo. Same for the hurricane kick super. Pulling it out at random means HSF up the as. Shinryuken is only good against those jump-in attempts by Sent. Stuff that Sentinel has going for him vs. Ken: Normals: j.fierce, j.roundhouse, s. or c. fierce laser are fucking keepaway moves. They will force Ken onto the ground, where he can't escape the chippage that Sent can bust out. Drones: This is where partial lockdown can occur. The drones can act as defense (the bomber drones) or act as offesne (the flying drones. Tack on a fierce just to make sure that they continue to block and eat chip. Rocket Punch: Haven't really seen anything with this except in combos. The dp version has anti-air possibilities, but is too slow and can be ducked. Fly: This is where Sent gets fuckin scary. He moves way too fast and can dodge most of Ken's moves easily, with the exception of shinryuken, which has column properties IIRC(ie. BH inferno, CapCom Corridor). When flying around, he can bust out the whole j.fierce and j.roundhouse to cause chip and keep you on the ground. If he decides to runaway, Sent can stay in the upper part of the screen and Ken really can't do anything about it except for j.hurricane kick, j.fierce dp, or shinryuken. To counter attempts at attacking, Sent can fly-cancel and block the shot, countering with his own. Supers: HSF will eat Ken alive if he gets hit once and Sent has plenty of supers built up. The big ball doesn't really do anything, although it could stop a random shoryureppa. Sent's air super could be comboed in for some major damage, but Sent really doesn't have many combo options. Cybermitsu - The only Silver Samurai player in So. Cal Posted by HyperViperSniper on 02:05:2001 02:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by Shin-Mech-Brian: To hell with that! Ken takes Sentinel easily. Keep in mind Ken has his roll and Shoryuken has top priority. Plus punching any extended limb on Sentinel is just as effective, just like Dhalsim. Just because he has triple-armor doesn't mean Ken can't handle him properly. <IMG SRC=""> Girls who are boys Who like boys to be girls Who do boys like they're girls Who do girls like they're boys Always should be someone you really love Actually..from plaing with Ken and Spiral..I found that Spirals Spinning sword shield hits ken while in his uppercut and it stops the he is not TOTALLY invincible Posted by Dan Hibiki on 02:05:2001 08:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by Cybermitsu: Cybermitsu - The only Silver Samurai player in So. Cal Yeah!!! Silver Samauri is great! Anyway, I agree, as long as the Sentinal player knows how to perform HSF, Ken really has little options. That and due to the fact of Sents immense defense and Ken's average defense, Ken is sucking gravel. This isn't good for my image ... Saikyo! Justin Posted by Dasrik on 02:06:2001 01:45 AM: I gotta disagree. Ken's Shoryureppa is not only good in combos. Attempts to call drones from midscreen means DP super. So does Rocket Punch. Other than that, you can do a lot of regular jumping Hurricane Kicks. Sentinel's rather large and without assists he has a hard time escaping this for very long. Posted by golden nismor on 02:06:2001 01:53 AM: Mr SMELLYPANTS: Irritate me?, hell na i just laugh at your posts kid, its all good though, i like to hear all kinds of opinions why don't you take me out in the elimination rounds at B5? or are you too scardy cat to step up to this hawaiin rice boy? you tell me -oh yeah ken will be in my team, hehe! "golden nismor" Posted by upyago on 03:19:2001 09:15 AM: What's up!!!!!!!! Posted by Strider Hiryu on 03:19:2001 11:28 AM: Why the hell was this thread recycled? -RiCe RaWkuS-[8/27] Posted by HyperViperSniper on 03:19:2001 12:10 PM: The idiot above you pulled it up...and as you can clearly see he did it for no other reason than to type "whats up" spammmmmmmmmmmmm ********************** HVS...Believe that! Cause its all in the TRUENESS!!! Look into my eyes....see the realness? Posted by KenIsDope on 03:19:2001 12:27 PM: i always kick peoples ass that use sent. WORD! Posted by CykoClops on 03:19:2001 01:43 PM: quote: Originally posted by Blacksmaru: yo nismor check the matchmaking posts for more codes dood...the one made by darky hey golden shitmor u still like talking to urself? Posted by monk_one on 03:19:2001 02:31 PM: WHAT? KEN GETS OWNED sentinel super jump fiercexxfly-cancel-stomp repeat no way ken can super jump against that if stomp connects combo into hk rocket punch peace out and sent can attack suckers its all about the fly cancel and ih he has 1 bar peace out for ken no way hes gonna make a comeback unless godforbid he launches sent Posted by dj-b13 on 03:19:2001 06:09 PM: sup GN... Well ken on crack...he stillwill have a hard time just like he did in the alpha movie when he went agains that android who took samples from the fighters...sent could keep away all day and fly while beaten ken silly ^_^... Posted by Who on 03:20:2001 01:23 AM: This thread is old!! Oh well, if it's players of equal skill. I say the edge is to Sentinel. Ken can take out Sentinel with jumping hurricane kicks....but all Sent has to do is block or push block then call HSF. All times are GMT. The time now is 10:45 PM. 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